Back in the early 1970s, LISTA anchored environmental protection in its mission statement and corporate goals. Reducing energy consumption per production unit was set as a priority objective to promote responsible use of limited resources. This led to the implementation of various energy-saving programs, the development of a sophisticated logistics concept, the optimisation of the flow of goods and the promotion of environmentally friendly recycling.
Since 1998, Lista AG has been certified for the ISO 14001 environmental standard, and environmental management has been integrated into the QMS manual.
By participating in the Energy Agency for Business scheme (EnAW), Lista has been committed to actively reducing CO2 emissions and optimising energy efficiency since 2007 reducing CO2 emissions and optimising energy efficiency.
In 2023, Lista was certified for the first time by the CSR rating agency EcoVadis, immediately receiving the bronze medal. This certification is an important measure of sustainability and enables Lista to focus on even greater sustainability in the future.
Today, Lista is more committed than ever to a sustainable and future-proof economy that conserves natural resources and protects the environment. The company takes a holistic approach that encompasses the entire life cycle of its products: from manufacture to use to disposal.
By optimising the use of resources, the company can drive innovation and offer its customers high-quality products and services that meet their needs and offer increased levels of satisfaction. In addition, the company is making a valuable contribution to climate and environmental protection by reducing CO2 emissions, preserving biodiversity and reducing environmental pollut
- The steel processed by Lista consists of 20% recycled material.
- The steel waste generated during production is 100% recycled.
- Thanks to heat recovery systems, 280,000 megawatt hours per year , which would otherwise be released unused into the environment, are fed back into the Lista production cycle.
- The Erlen production plant collects and recycles an average of 220 tonnes of reusable waste such as cardboard, paper, PET, wood, etc.
- Lista is committed to respecting ethics, human rights and compliance in accordance with the established UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
- We consider strict compliance with all environmental regulators and guidelines to be a mandatory requirement to ensure sustainable sourcing.
- Lista promotes regionalisation and localisation of supply chains and provides sustainable access to economic areas.
- Sustainable material procurement takes place without exception via certified suppliers.
- Lista's production is exclusively in Switzerland and in Germany.
- By investing in new and modernising existing production facilities, energy consumption is continuously reduced compared to old manufacturing processes.
- With the transition to new production processes, the products become even more stable, resilient and thus more durable. In addition, the amount of valuable resources such as water and energy required for production is further reduced.
- Replacing old air compressors with new frequency-controlled models results in 30% energy savings.
- Conversion of the entire production hall lighting to LED technology.
- Heat recovery systems make it possible to increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.
- With the commissioning of one of the largest photovoltaic systems in eastern Switzerland on a roof area of 15,000 m2, Lista is generating approximately 2 gigawatt hours per year, covering more than a third of its own electricity requirements. In addition, around 800,000 kilowatt hours of electricity are fed into the local grid. Switching to solar power makes a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions.
- Reusable transport containers replace unnecessary packaging material and ensure a sustainably improved ecological balance.
- Rail transport is preferred to reduce C02 emissions and other pollutant emissions.
- Lista products are bundled geographically by recipient and the transport volume is compressed. This means that additional trips can be avoided.
- The highest quality standards significantly extend the service life of Lista products. A 10-year guarantee underlines this promise.
- When developing products, Lista focuses on expanding and converting existing products. The products grow with changing user requirements and thus enable an above-average long-term use.
- New production processes make the products even more resistant and stable.
- All Lista products can be easily dismantled, ensuring correctly sorted disposal.